What IS this thing called Dark Fiction

Truthfully, it varies across the web by definition, but here’s our general take on what it means to us.

Dark Fiction can be highly entertaining, funny even, BUT it should always maintain an element of depth. It should be thought provoking enough to accomplish one thing; make us stew over it for days!

In the hands of one writer, it could be full of blood and guts and gore, while in another’s, a quietly creepy emotional journey.

Long story short, dark fiction should leave us feeling disturbed, but in all the right ways.  So send in your submissions that’ll make us quesy, make us cringe, surpise us, make us a little green around the gills.

Do your best make us sleep with one eye open…or better yet, not at all.  

We DARE you!

Happy writing Darklings and may your words make you unforgettable. 

Ever yours,

The Ink Babes